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Your task is to get out into the city and find out about one of the following near to where you live:


  • A statue or any other memorial

  • A historical event which took place nearby

  • A historical person who lived nearby


You then need to write a short report on what you have researched.


To support your report you could include:

  • Photographs.

  • Drawings

  • Diagrams


In the report you should cover the following:

  • The background to your historical place, object, event or person.

  • What makes it significant - think about the impact and consequences it/they had

  • Is there any historical or modern controversy associated with it/them? e.g. the statue of Edward Colston was controversial because he made his money trading slaves.


The most important part of the task is to get out in our city and explore the history around you!


Good luck and enjoy. We look forward to meeting you all.

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